Outlines in PDFKit

Outlines are the heirachical bookmarks that display in some PDF readers. Currently only page bookmarks are supported, but more may be added in the future. They are simple to add and only require a single method:

Here is an example of adding a bookmark with a single child bookmark.

// Get a reference to the Outline root
const { outline } = doc;

// Add a top-level bookmark
const top = outline.addItem('Top Level');

// Add a sub-section


The options parameter currently only has one property: expanded. If this value is set to true then all of that section's children will be visible by default. This value defaults to false.

In this example the 'Top Level' section will be expanded to show 'Sub-section'.

// Add a top-level bookmark
const top = outline.addItem('Top Level', { expanded: true });

// Add a sub-section